Wrapped Bouquet - One Dozen Red Roses - Giving Blooms

Wrapped Bouquet - One Dozen Red Roses

  • 9500

Send your love with this stunning bouquet of 12 long stem red roses.  A classic symbol of romance, love and devotion. Your bouquet is hand-arranged with baby's breath, wrapped and adorned with a beautiful red satin bow.

Details: 12 hand-arranged long stem red roses with baby's breath and greens beautifully wrapped in cellophane with a red satin bow

Add On's: Check out the Add On's section for a wide selection of items to enhance your order, including balloons and boxed chocolates. 

Local Delivery: For a list of cities included in the local delivery area and more information about delivery options click here.

Make a Purchase, Make a Difference®  All profits from your purchase are donated to enhance patient care across the Hamilton Health Sciences family of hospitals. For more information click here.


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